Monday, December 13, 2010

Sword in The Stars

Wall' here's my review for Sword in the Stars by Wayne Batson!

Sword in the Stars by Wayne Batson: Sword in the Stars is a buckle-up tight adventure complete with cunning and seriously wicked villains, a fun, if violent girl in love with the hero, and a hero worthy of many books.

Alistair Coldhollow is the Iceman. A trained assassin  who does one thing well---kill. When one day he slaughters a woman’s husband, only to have her turn around offer him forgiveness it throws his life out of control. On one of his drinking binges he drinks himself into a Witchdrale induced stupor and wakes up to find himself in a cave—the same cave that the woman and her surviving daughter are in. After reading in the Canticles and Scriptures she provides-- his life is turned around---mostly. Now his skills are lying dormant for now, he is the searcher, or so he thinks, the finder of the Halfanin the messiah of the people.

The sword in the stars has appeared, Thel-Mizaret is the destination and he will find the Halfanin, whatever it takes. Enter… Abbagael a woman who’s decided to marry Alistair, almost with or without—his consent. Her love for Alistair is beautiful in the way it typifies Christ love for the sinner even as Alistair struggles with his addiction to witchdrale and a war that has more knots than a—uh..knot.

Also, some of the parallels and allegorical effects in the book were awesome. Especially, “My Father’s book.” I had to pause when I read it. Beautiful.

With the impending…then in place, war. Alistair’s skills are wonderfully highlighted giving me the chills and making me wish with all my heart I had his skill with the blade!!!!!!!

The book has incredible potential, in fact, I found that Alistair Coldhollow was the coolest person I think Wayne’s ever crafted. However, my qualms with the book deal mainly with the lack of realism in some areas. No one batting an eyelash as Alistair and Abbagael go into the forest for days by themselves with only the baby. And the lack of explanation by the author. Once again, I found massive potential in the book, I just needed more things fleshed out for myself. Don’t take me to the doorstep then keep me out!

Mr. Batson, I love your work, and God’s blessed you with amazing ability. Keep up the writing, just remember, as a reader I want to follow everything and know it all ;) Keep me in the light a little more next time, will ya?

Find the book at Deepershopping here.
Find more fantasy at Deepershopping here.


Jake said...

Good review, Mil. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there, did you see this yet?

Wayne Thomas Batson says:
Ah, but Sir Millard, therein lies the rub: if I tell the reader all, then the reader is offended for me giving away the farm, so to speak. If I attempt to leave more to the reader's imagination, then, the reader wonders why I have not crossed my t's and dotted all my i's. lol. The example you gave? Who would have batted an eyelash at Alastair and Abbagael entering the forest with the child? Alastair has no kin. Abbagael has only Uncle Jak, and he knew they were heading off to Chapparel, a long journey. If there are blanks, good sir, it is only because I feel that readers can infer what is needed. Either that or what's missing is not very important to the well being of the plot. Never alone.

That is cool he replied to your review. (lucky!)

Also, I don't understand, what didn't he tell that you think he should have?


Precentor said...

That's awesome he replied! Thanks for the link, I'd have never seen that!

I'd rather discuss it personally than on here. Maybe email?