Friday, November 12, 2010


How is Everyone's Nanowrimo?


Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

My golly, Millard! I'm finished *gapes at self* I can hardly believe it...I haven't even told my parents or my brother (I'm going to tell them in the morning XD builds the suspense; they'll wonder why I'm flitting about the house like a bird) XD


Keep NaNo'ing STRONGLY! God Be With You!

Precentor said...

I just wrote my 10,027th word of the day. *phew* Done for the day! :P I'm going to finish soon methinks...

Thanks for commenting, we need to hear from the winners too! Go SQEAKS!

Jake said...

Wow--tell me all about what they say, Squeaks! ;) Hehehe...

Mil, ye know how my NaNo's going. XD We just had a large word war in which I wrote 4k in several hours... :D Twas epical. ^_^

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

That's absolutely astounding, Mil! 10k words in 1 day *nearly faints* even thinking about it hurts my brains! XD

I've started my second book...i'm at the stage where I think it's so dumb and "Why on earth am I even doing this." :P I will try to write 2 books by the end of November XD T'will be fun. I've determined I must write about 4000 words per DAY to reach 50,000 by the end of November. *wipes brow* very hard work :P

Keep up the good stuff, though! You're doing awesome. I wish I had the same flaming pen syndrome that you've suddenly got! XD *cheers* GO MIL GO MIL!


Jake said...

Actually, I believe yer NaNo stats say otherwise. Ye only have to write like 3k. :)