Sunday, December 11, 2011

Intruiged (by) Chesterton

G.K Chesterton has caught my reading and intellectual attention. I am working through Orthodoxy every Sunday(and only Sunday! this is Sunday #2) and have been impressed enough to procure several more books of his for my Kindle.

His writing thus far has been mentally challenging and spiritually charged; I recommend him to serious readers only, but to those that are serious, I recommend without reservation.

See his books and learn more about the man here. As I said before I am currently reading Orthodoxy but I have several of his books in the "Queue".


whisper said...

If you haven't yet read "The Man Who Was Thursday".... you must. You absolutely must. I cannot remember if you already have, but since you're on a Chesterton spree, if you haven't read Thursday then you very much ought to. >:|


Precentor said...

I tried it and never got through it. I may try re-reading in a bit.

whisper said...

you ought to. :|

Precentor said...

I think I found his fiction too oddball. Non-fiction however I am adoring. I may try it again...someday.

Pathfinder said...

Heh. I can see why.

Thursday was weird, but still worth reading. Especially if you love hilarious ironies and many plot twists...