Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In Constant Prayer Review

In Constant Prayer was something new for me to read. I enjoy non-fiction but read primarily fiction. This book basically turns the clock back to early A.D. and makes the case that “The Daily Office of Prayer” may well be worth incorporating into your daily life. The Office was not something I was acquainted with previously so I got out my pencil and paper and started to pay attention. The case Mr. Benson weaves for his belief in the power of the Daily Office is if nothing else, intellectually interesting. He cites the New Testament believers as well as the more liturgical denominations and groups, such as Episcopalians or Catholics. He believes that their more formal and rote operations may indeed not be a bad thing. But be something to emulate in prayer.

The Daily Office of prayer requires praying certain prayers at certain times of the day. Example prayers were included at the end of the book and they were indeed useful for a personal reference on what was being discussed. Overall, I didn’t find the books’ message very compelling, but an interesting read. If you are interested in the idea of The Daily Office then I’d say read the book if only to learn. If not, it probably won’t convince you otherwise.

Find this book here at Deepershopping.
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1 comment:

whisper said...

Hm, personally I don't like the concept of time with God being "A Daily Office." That detracts from the idea that God is omni-present; that he is always in us and we should be in constant communication with him. Rather than straightening our hats and stepping into a mental religious sanctuary, methinks that life with God ought to be more like a mentality; a general mindset that automatically, subconsciously, pulls him into every thought or decision in the day. Note that this is definitely not to say that I've attained this mindset; I am probably the worst among us at prayer. I merely argue about how I think things ought to be - how God wants things to be.

Perhaps this tirade is pointless; mayhap Mr. Benson merely meant that in addition to this mindset, he recommends a "Daily Office." But if that is not the case, I suppose that, from my limited understanding of his beliefs, I disagree.
